3 Insights About Shilajit: How It Can Help You, Safety Tips and Side Effects

Shilajit is a naturally occurring, mineral-rich material that is sourced from rocks in the Himalayas. The sticky, molasses-like substance evolves naturally over many centuries as a result of plant decomposition. It is rich in vitamins and minerals such as fulvic acid, humic, iron, and trace elements. Shilajit is a safe and effective supplement to integrate […]

6 Inflammatory Vegetable Oils to Avoid and Why

Should consumers heed warnings that linoleic acid (i.e., vegetable oils) induces inflammation and limiting their consumption will make individuals healthier? A systematic evaluation of 15 clinical trials showed no specific evidence supporting the theory that LA causes inflammation. This study supports current recommendations that a regulated diet of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as LA, is […]

What Makes Prolotherapy at CORE Different?

CORE has led the way in regenerative treatments in Santa Cruz for years. With Prolotherapy, PRP, and Stem Cell regenerative injections we have helped thousands heal existing injuries, treated joints to prevent future injuries, slow or stop hair loss, rejuvenate skin, treat sexual health and function disorders, and more. But we do so much more […]

Beau Knows: Cardio

Does cardio kill your gains? The idea that cardiovascular exercise impedes your ability to build muscle is a long-held…shall we say, rumor in the fitness and bodybuilding community. Is it true? Should you forego your running routine and focus only on that sweet, sweet lifting regimen? 🏋️‍♂️ 👨‍🏫 These are serious questions. However, as luck […]

I Taped My Mouth Shut for 30 Nights (Part 1)

It might sound crazy – dangerous even – but it works. It worked for Jaimi, it worked for Beau, and hopefully, it will work for this video. Breathing through your mouth is known to impact your health in a variety of not-so-desirable ways. 😪If you breathe this way every night when you’re asleep, you’re not […]

4 Core Benefits of Strength Training

When many think of strength training, they think of intense weight lifting and huge muscular men and women. Strength training, however, is much more than exercise aimed at getting huge muscles and everyone young, old, small, or big can benefit from it. It can help improve coordination, strength, circulation, bone density, and help keep older […]

Defining Age: The Truth is More Than Years

When most of us think of age we think of its visible signs like gray hair and wrinkles, but aging is much more than that. In fact, how aging is measured can vary a lot from one discipline to the next. For example, there are different types of aging: there is chronological aging, biological aging, […]

1 Simple Solution to Increase Your Daily Fiber Intake

Most Americans do not meet the recommended daily dietary fiber recommendation of 25 to 30 grams per day. According to a post by UCSF Health, most Americans consume only about 15 grams per day — about half what we should be consuming. This is troublesome since dietary fiber from real food sources (not supplements) comes […]

5 Amazing Benefits to Diaphragmatic Breathing 

5 Amazing Benefits to Diaphragmatic Breathing Can Make Your Life Stress Free and Improve Airway  Functions! Health Benefits of Diaphragmatic Breathing  It is no surprise that how we breathe can affect our body and mind. If our body and mind are relaxed, for example, the breathing rate tends to be slow and not forceful. If we […]

Avoid 3 Types of Soft Tissue Injuries and Lower Back Pain with 2 Solutions

Stop these 3 types of soft tissue injuries and lower back pain now! You might be causing chronic pain without knowing, we have 2 solutions for you.   Soft Tissue Injuries Soft tissue injuries are a common cause of low back pain. The vertebrae of the lower back are supported by many soft tissues including […]

Massage Therapy