3 Insights About Shilajit: How It Can Help You, Safety Tips and Side Effects

Shilajit is a naturally occurring, mineral-rich material that is sourced from rocks in the Himalayas. The sticky, molasses-like substance evolves naturally over many centuries as a result of plant decomposition. It is rich in vitamins and minerals such as fulvic acid, humic, iron, and trace elements. Shilajit is a safe and effective supplement to integrate […]

4 Hidden Health Benefits of Celery

Celery juice has become more popular and widely consumed, but why? As with most vegetables, celery is a healthy food choice because it is low in calories, high in nutrients, and loaded with phytochemicals (“plant-” chemicals). Celery is regarded as a healthy food that one can eat to lead a healthy life and lower individual […]

Seasonal Pick Broccoli

Just like spinach, our previous Veggie of the Month, broccoli has a reputation as being the bane of many a child’s dinner experience—a stereotypically hated vegetable. But we say, let’s change our point of view! Broccoli is actually a tight cluster of unopened flower buds that are packed full with highly beneficial nutrients, vitamins, and […]

Massage Therapy