Celery juice has become more popular and widely consumed, but why? As with most vegetables, celery is a healthy food choice because it is low in calories, high in nutrients, and loaded with phytochemicals (“plant-” chemicals). Celery is regarded as a healthy food that one can eat to lead a healthy life and lower individual […]
The 26 Most Important Vitamins and Minerals Your Body is Craving Right Now with Whole Food Sources
You can find almost all 26 of the most important vitamins and minerals your body is probably craving right in the produce aisle! Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of some of the most important vitamins we need. Vitamins like beta-carotene (Vitamin A precursor), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. They are also rich […]
Supplement of the Month: B-Complex Vitamins
“B-complex” is a name that describes all water-soluble vitamins, with the exception of vitamin C. Storage of water-soluble vitamins is very limited. However, their daily intake is important to prevent deficiency. As a result, because these vitamins get washed-out daily their toxicity is unlikely, although not impossible. Why Mix B-Vitamins? B-complex supplements vary in […]
Supplement of the Month: Vitamin K
Vitamin K isn’t a well-known vitamin, yet it plays a crucial role in the body. It is involved in the coagulation (or clotting) of blood which is needed to patch vascular injuries and prevent major bleeding. Its name comes from the German word “koagulation” which simply starts with the letter K. Vitamin K is routinely […]
Supplement of the Month: Multivitamins
Multivitamin intake is very common, more than half of Americans take some sort of multivitamin. Whether or not to take one, however, can be confusing. Some research suggests benefit, some suggest no benefit, and some suggest harm. So what’s real and what isn’t? Vitamin Deficiencies in the U.S. Before assessing the safety of a multivitamin […]
Supplement of the Month: Vitamin C!
Vitamin C is best known for its role in immunity, especially when we are sick. Advice from family and friends is almost always to load-up on vitamin C. Furthermore, vitamin C packets and tablets are selling over-the-counter in almost every pharmacy in town. But the role of vitamin C in immune function is only one […]
Seasonal Pick Broccoli
Just like spinach, our previous Veggie of the Month, broccoli has a reputation as being the bane of many a child’s dinner experience—a stereotypically hated vegetable. But we say, let’s change our point of view! Broccoli is actually a tight cluster of unopened flower buds that are packed full with highly beneficial nutrients, vitamins, and […]