6 Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Care with Cancer Treatment

A surprising new treatment for the side effects of cancer treatment is chiropractic care. In 2020, cancer ranked as the second leading cause of death in the United States, next to heart disease. Many people who are undergoing cancer treatment experience muscle and joint pains, forcing them to seek pain relief aside from medication. Chiropractic […]

Discover 3 Surgery Alternatives to Treat Herniated Discs

Surgery is the common treatment for herniated discs but there are good reasons to consider other surgery alternatives, like prolotherapy, before going under the knife for back pain. Intervertebral discs are the pads of fibrous cartilage that are found between vertebrae along the spine. These discs are like jelly donuts with a gel-like substance in […]

Prevent Back Pain through 3 Core Exercises

Don’t let your back hold you back. You can prevent back pain by strengthening your core muscles with 3 tips. Weak Core Muscles  The lower back carries much of the weight of the upper body including the head, pectoral girdle, arms, and chest. Luckily, the core muscles provide support and help the spine in this […]

The Abdominal Wall

Keeping strong abdominal muscles does more than making us look good. These support the upper body, are involved in everyday motions, and keep our organs safe. A weak abdomen, on the other hand, may contribute to low back pain and trouble making bending motions. Excess abdominal fat (also known as visceral fat) is the most […]

Regenerative Treatments and Back Pain

Is your back pain becoming progressively worse? Prolonged sitting, or standing for extended periods of time is getting more and more difficult. You frequently pop or crack your own back to get some relief and your adjustments aren’t holding. You try all different types of pain treatments in an effort to find some relief. Cortisone […]

Sitting Disease

Sitting Disease is an outcome of sedentary lifestyles and as you might have guessed- excessive sitting.   Nowadays, we find ourselves sitting for everything- for traveling, waiting, eating, studying, and for relaxing (like sitting on a couch).  Part of what makes the Sitting Disease so important to know about is that even individuals who are […]

Sciatica: Causes and Cures

By Jaimi Jansen, Owner and CORE Pro Elite Trainer at Santa Cruz CORE Fitness and Rehab Sciatica can manifest as a burning, tingling pain that runs down your leg. Or, it might be a shooting pain in your rear that makes it hard to stand up. Your leg or foot might feel weak or even […]

Massage Therapy