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CORE & New Bohemia

What’s Bohemia Fest?

On Saturday, Santa Cruz CORENew Bohemia Brewing Company joined forces at Bohemia Fest! The event was outdoors in the quaint parking lot of the brewery on 41st Avenue. A few main highlights of the event were music and a delicious food booth. New Bohemia even provided guests with games for all ages-such as cornhole and a jump house for kids! Each vendor was unique in its offerings. CORE’s booth offered free wellness checks, chair massage, and range of motion screenings. Other booths sold artisan works, locally made clothing, and craft lager.

CORE & New Bohemia: What’s the Philosophy Behind it All?

Well, “A fine beer may be judged with only one sip, but it’s better to be thoroughly sure.” -Czech proverb.
New Bohemia Brewing makes it a mission to provide people with a space to explore and discover. It is their hope to produce more than twenty unique types of beer every year. So keep an eye out for their awesome creations! New Bohemia’s philosophy is to put the customer first. This also aligns with what Santa Cruz CORE aims to offer the community. CORE strives to keep the balance between traditional and new innovative modes of wellness.  Some of the innovative technologies at CORE include Prolotherapy/ Stem Cell, VASPER, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, and cold laser.

 Where did New Bohemia Brewing Get its Name from?

“The original Kingdom of Bohemia was established back in the 13th century. Its kings dominated the region and served as Holy Roman Emperor as the Middle Ages gave way to the Renaissance. In its essence, Bohemia is a balanced mix between tradition and contemporary innovation.

But How Does that Relate to Beer?

For starters, “Bohemia was not only the seat of power in Central Europe. It was the region’s master brewer.” The creators of New Bohemia, Dan Satterthwaite and Mike Hochleutner, wanted to bring the beer culture to a city that also symbolized the Bohemia spirit. What better place than Santa Cruz, California?
Jaimi Jansen:
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