A pivot point is an event or moment that changes the direction of your life.
It is a sad fact that many people in our current society do not end up doing what they love. In 2013, The Washington Post announced that only 27 percent of college graduates had a job that was closely related to their major (1).
Beyond finding a job in one’s field, how does one even then decide which topic to claim? How does one claim who they are? Many choose fields that are fiscally stable and responsible, and not necessarily due to their own passion or even tolerance for the work. Many may find themselves on a life track they didn’t imagine going down—feeling lost, feeling like they haven’t reached their full potential. There are numerous things holding us back: poor job market conditions, money, opportunity, and very commonly, fear. What people require is a specific point in their life—a pivot point—where they realize they must work for and create the reality in which they want to live.
Jaimi Janson, CEO and Founder of Santa Cruz CORE Fitness + Rehab, reached her “pivot point” some years ago. During that moment, she realized the importance and opportunities given to us from the choices we make and the paths we travel down. Throughout her journey, she’s learned to embrace vulnerability, take risks to gain rewards, overcome doubt, and take action.
Pivot Towards Your Purpose:
On September 28th, 2018, Santa Cruz CORE will be hosting Pivot Towards Your Purpose, an event to help you not only find your true purpose, but to go down that path and succeed in it. This event will help you to tap your authentic power and then create the reality in which you want to live. YOU are your greatest strength, and we will give you the tools, techniques, and inspiration to live up to your greatest potential. Whether you are an entrepreneur, looking to start something new, find purpose in your life or simply be inspired, there is something for everyone to take away from Pivot.
As business and personal development strategies become more integrated than ever, it is crucial to look at the alignment of our emotional, physical and spiritual bodies, and how they relate to others. At Pivot, you will learn to utilize your vulnerability to then transform fear into power. Let our speakers ignite and inspire you to pivot towards your purpose.
Speakers include…
Pivot Towards Your Purpose will take place at the Resource Center for Nonviolence. Get tickets now and snag an “Early Bird” price! Stop by to learn more about finding your true North!
Interested in becoming a sponsor? We offer 3 levels of sponsorship: Gold-$1000; Silver-$500; Bronze-$250. To apply for sponsorship, contact Jaimi Jansen at jaimi@jaimijansen.com or call 831.313.4884. All proceeds benefit the Coastal Watershed Council!
Plumer, Brad. “Only 27 percent of college grads have a job related to their major.” The Washington Post, The Washington Post, 20 May 2013, www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/05/20/only-27-percent-of-college-grads-have-a-job-related-to-their-major/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.34c8bc076712. Accessed 11 July 2018.