Jaimi Jansen, founder of Santa Cruz CORE Fitness + Rehab, will be appearing on KSCO radio on Saturday, October 27th, from 3 pm-4 pm.

There, she’ll be talking about regenerative medicine with our Doctor of Osteopathy, Dr. John Grady. We’re very excited to take this opportunity to spread the word about this innovative and effective treatment. Thank you KSCO for allowing us to continue our mission of promoting optimal health through our community of wellness.

If you’d like to learn more about getting out of pain without invasive surgery, then listen to our fearless leader give a firsthand experience of how PRP and prolotherapy can help you!

Jaimi will also be discussing the importance of self-care, not just in body, but in mind and spirit as well. This relates to her latest entrepreneurial event, Pivot Towards Your Purpose, an event taking place on September 28th at the Resource Center for NonViolence.

To learn more about Pivot and our newest services, listen in on October 27th to get the shakedown from Jaimi!





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