heart attack and stroke santa cruz coreThere are many factors that contribute to the prevalence of heart attack (MI) and stroke (“brain attack”). Both heart attack and stroke can be acute manifestations of the vascular disease known as atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is a vascular condition by which a fatty plaque forms within an artery wall and compromises its ability to deliver blood. When this happens in a coronary artery it is called a heart attack. When this happens in an artery delivering blood to the brain, it is called a stroke (although there are different types of stroke).

Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis

Fighting atherosclerosis will, in turn, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. The following are risk factors for atherosclerosis and tips on how to control them:

Physical Inactivity

High Blood Pressure

Unhealthy Diets

heart stroke santa cruz coreBeing overweight or obese



Too much alcohol

Interested in improving your overall health and lowering your potential risks of heart problems?  Want to remove pain, increase performance, or lose weight? Contact Santa Cruz CORE and schedule a consultation today!

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