OMED – Orthopedic and Medical Conference 2016

By Jaimi Jansen, Owner, CORE Pro-Elite Trainer, Santa Cruz CORE Fitness + Rehab

I felt like a fraud, sneaking into #OMED2016 as a pre-SOMA participant, apparently, lectures were for doctors only. I wasn’t about to miss out on current breakthroughs in the industry. I sat alongside current DO’s listening to lectures on current research, findings in health and nutrition, stem cell regenerative therapies, as a potential student pretending to fit in.

What did I have to offer? Why was I there? Was this path even the right one for me? There was something I was afraid of and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, yet I continue to have this drive to continue to pursue this deep burning desire to apply to medical school as a ‘non-traditional student.’ I decided to just go for it, engage in dialogue, ask questions, see if I could play the part at OMED.

In connecting with Dr. Karageanes, do I found out he didn’t have his physical therapist there to teach his next workshop on Functional Movement Screen (FMS). I told Dr. Karageanes that I do the FMS every day at work and I could present. He welcomed me, set me up with a mic and in less than five minutes I was presenting to hundreds of doctors something I do every day at work. Acknowledging to the crowd I was participating as an impromptu guest speaker, I carried on with my 85-minute presentation. Through dialogue and demonstration, I found a volunteer dancer from the audience and walked her through the Functional Movement Screen, explaining the process, the reasoning, and then responding to questions during and post presentation.

My questions were answered by the response I received. I was appreciated, I was valued, and I was important. I was sharing my passion in my delivery and everyone took notice. This edified the work I had done and inspired me to learn more. A doctor came up to me and let me know that she quit her job as a physiatrist at a clinic to pursue functional movement with leaders in the industry and is completely developing her own practice.

During our discussion, I realized that we were each wanting what the other had. It was at that moment I had arrived. I don’t need any more letters after my name to make a difference. I matter and I have something to contribute just as I am now. I can be okay and continue helping others as I am currently as it is extremely rewarding to help people achieve what they didn’t think was possible, but I am not done growing and learning.

In Health,

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