Social Media Based Workout Programs

Social Media Based Workout Programs – Helpful or Harmful?

The amount of time we spend on social media is skyrocketing.

Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, SnapChat, and more are saturated than ever with the latest trends in clothes, beauty products, vacation hotspots, food, and gym selfies. This increase goes hand in hand with quickly growing amount of fitness programs being offered through these platforms, fitness blogs included.

Type in “workout” into any of these applications’ search bars and thousands of results will show up featuring workout videos, progress pictures, and flexed mirror selfies. While it may seem like a useful tool to get a jump start on a new fitness routine, there quite a few dark sides to the world of online fitness that need to be addressed.

Why is Social blowing up?

Before discussing the potential harm in following an online workout program, let’s consider why this trend is becoming so popular, given that just about any given person uses social media in one form or another.

People may be drawn to workouts found online because they’re easy to access, typically have demonstration photos and videos, may be cheaper than other personal training programs, and can be done at their own pace, in the comfort of their own home, or at a gym they already belong to.

Individuals may be inspired to join such programs in hopes that they will end up looking like the individual who created the program, or others who have followed it and have shared follow up photos. The common belief is that by simply by doing the workouts, they will achieve their ideal body. While this may be true for some individuals, this neglects several factors that go into seeing successful results including proper nutrition, adequate rest days, self myofascial release, stretching and workouts that are tailored to each individual.

Potential Problems with Social Media Programs

The first potential problem with following an online workout program is that the leader or instructor may not have the credentials to be giving such advice or instruction. When considering trying a new workout plan from one of these programs, its is best to always do some research and determine if the individual presenting the program is certified by an esteemed, official certification agency, has any level of formal higher education such as a degree in biology, kinesiology, nutrition, etc., or has gone through some form of official training that would qualify them to be an exercise instructor. Here are a few accredited organizations you can look for that are trustworthy:

  • NASM
  • ACSM
  • ACE
  • NSCA
  • Certified Yoga or Pilates Instructor
  • Other Certified group exercise instructor

Workout out Alone vs. With a Professional

Although it may be more convenient and cost efficient to follow a regime that is available online or through social media, there is a major downside to starting a workout plan without meeting with a certified personal trainer. Exercising without proper form is ineffective and potentially hazardous.

Working out under the supervision of a professional ensures that you are engaging the correct muscles, breathing properly, taking adequate rest, warming up and cooling down properly, and stretching, which is what online programs lack the most.

Before starting an exercise program, a certified trainer should perform assessments on each individual client that identify any muscular imbalances or risks for injury that would require special attention before starting exercise.

The second reason to be cautious of investing in an online program is that they often don’t offer specialized nutrition advice, which is perhaps the most important factor in seeing the results you want.

The Importance of Nutrition! 

Have you ever heard of the 70/30 idea? Understanding how to eat the right foods in the right amounts at the right times in order to maximize results is just as important, if not more, than the quality of the workouts themselves. For this reason, it is wise to invest in consulting a qualified nutritionist who can prescribe accurate and effective advice.

Online workout programs are a growing platform in the future of the fitness world, but you should proceed with caution. Based on your individual fitness goals, injury history, and workout experience, a workout plan designed for the masses is likely not suitable, which is why consulting a certified personal trainer and nutritionist is the safest, most effective way to go!

Santa Cruz CORE Fitness and Rehab offers customized nutrition, corrective exercise and personal training based on each individual and their specific needs.

Come in for a consultation today to learn more. Santa Cruz CORE Fitness + Rehab now offers “Distance Training!”.

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