2018 Resolutions Guide – 5 Steps to Creating Real Life Change Video

As 2017 draws a close and we tend to focus the upcoming new year, it’s a chance to have a fresh start!  We’ve compiled this 2018 Resolution Guide to help support you to creating real life change.

Follow these 5 steps to assist you in gaining clarity, creating an action plan and committing to new behaviors into the new year and beyond! You are responsible for the changes you seek in your life.

Please reach out to us with any ways we can further support you into the new year… this is your time!




Your passion and incredible will to evolve will help shift personal components in your life

Examples:  Feel great, get out of pain, be fit, lean down, move more!


Create new targets to focus on where you want to be, with a S.M.A.R.T.  plan to get you to your desired end result.

Examples:  Feel great, get out of pain, be fit, lean down, move more!


Meet your new goals by taking massive NEW activities and breaking old, poor habits

Examples: Plan to see a personal trainer twice a week, bike to work, walk daily


Making a firm, strong decision that holds you accountable to new goals. What’s at stake in the game?

Examples: Put money down, a bit with a friend, or promise to your kids!


We all need family, friends and community believing we can do anything. Surround yourself with people who got your back!

Examples: Get help from CORE trainers, fitness partners, siblings and friends 


Five ways we can support your goals in the new year!

  1. Personal Training – Work 1:1: with our talented team to break old barriers, learn new exercises, and move your body in new ways.
  2. Vasper Machine – Balance your hormones, increase lean muscle mass, and improve sleep quality, with this 20-30 minute workouts
  3. Nutritional Counseling – Creating new plans right for your body, life and the goals you desire. Gain insight about your diet, body and potential
  4. Theraputic Exercises -Achieve functional movement and proper body mechanics with our Pro Elite Trainers and Sports Chiropractors
  5. Innovative Therapies -From ancient acupuncture to modern Sports ChiroTherapy, create structural symmetry, remove old blockages and get out of pain!


NEW Memberships… get 50% off the first month and waived initiation fees, sign up before March 31st, 2018!

Be sure to mention this post:2018 Resolutions


Santa Cruz CORE:
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