6 Ways to Boost your Step Count

With Santa Cruz CORE’s 30 in 30 Step Challenge taking place this January, it is important to know that adding steps into your day doesn’t have to be daunting or a big commitment. We don’t always have time to go for a hike or run, but it is easy to add some small changes into your day to give you a step boost and increase your movement. You don’t need a gym or fancy track for a walking workout, all you need is a pair of comfortable shoes. Here are some of our favorite ways to get add more steps into the day and make an easy habit out of moving more.

  • Park far.

    Skip the competition of finding the closest parking spot and opt for the farthest spot. This will give you an extra stroll on your way into the grocery store and will definitely reduce the stress of getting to that parking spot.

  • Shopping therapy.

    Tired of the trails and streets? The solution may be shopping. Hit the grocery store or run errands to cross things on your list and get a step boost. Take yourself on a window shopping date downtown or at the mall. Not only will you get some the extra steps in but maybe you’ll find a fab new outfit.

  • Make it social.

    Next time a friend suggests meeting up for dinner or a movie, suggest a walk in addition to or instead. If you are getting coffee together, take it to-go and walk while you catch up rather than sitting at the coffee shop. This always helps to improve conversation and will give you both a walking boost for your day. Just don’t forget your reusable to-go coffee cup!

  • Work it at work.

    Most of us spend the majority of our days at work and it can be one of the most challenging places to get movement in. Add some small practices into your day and make sure you get your body moving. Use bathroom and water breaks to do an extra lap around the office. For bonus points, use a small water cup so you get up to fill it more often! Rather than sitting in the conference room, hold a walking meeting and take some laps around the building. Incorporating more movement in your work day will also help you focus and be more creative and productive.

  • Make time for play!

    Make the most of your weekends and get out of the house. Take a day trip to San Francisco, a museum, the zoo, aquarium, or an amusement park. This will give you a great opportunity to see new things by foot. Your kids will love it too.

  • Walk and listen.

    To make your walk time more entertaining, load up on podcasts (free!), music, radio shows, and audiobooks. Use this time to learn a new language, get caught up on current events, and space out to your favorite tunes.

Make sure to sign up for our 30 in 30 Step Challenge if you haven’t yet, whether you are local or live outside Santa Cruz.

We want to hear from you! What’s your favorite way to get your steps in?

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