The Three-Letter Word That’s Great For Your Health

It’s the time of year for love. Valentines is coming up and you may be thinking about your special somebody an awful lot more than usual. If you find it hard to balance the extra time with your loved one and the gym, don’t worry. There’s a way you can spend some quality time with your sweetie and get the health benefits of the gym as well. SEX.

  1. Sex can help to improve your immune system: According to Yvonne K. Fulbright, a PHD sexual expert, “Sexually active people take fewer sick days… [quote]”By having sex, you are strengthening your immune system and thereby reducing the chances of getting sick”[/quote].
  2. Sex Improves Blood Pressure: Sex is HEART Healthy! Not only does the physical activity have positive benefits for your health, but having an orgasm has shown in studies to help you relax and lower stress, effectively helping to lower your blood pressure.
  3. Sex is Exercise: Not only does it feel good, but sex burns calories too. To be a bit more precise, it burns about 5 calories per minute. So, in half an hour of a fun romp you’re burning about 150 calories. That’s just a little less than jogging half an hour. So, it might be a good idea to carve out some time with your significant other for this healthy activity just like you would do for the gym.
  4. Sex Reduces Pain: That’s right, you read correctly. Sex can help reduce pain. So, instead of reaching for the aspirin, enlist your sweetie instead. “Orgasm can block pain,” says Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD, a distinguished service professor at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. The way this works is that when you have an orgasm, your body releases a special hormone that helps to reduce the feeling of pain.
  5. Sex Improves Sleep: For anybody who is trying to lose weight, getting enough sleep is key to losing the weight. This is just another reason why you should have more sex! “After orgasm, the hormone prolactin is released, which is responsible for the feelings of relaxation and sleepiness” after sex, says Sheenie Ambardar, MD. You can use the post coital relaxation response to send you into a deep sleep.

Sex may be a taboo subject, but in terms of health, it’s one of the best things we can do for ourselves emotionally and physically. Humans are physical creatures and we thrive on love and attention. Be sure to be smart when engaging in sexual activity, sex can be compared to a meal. Don’t go for fast food encounters that leave you feeling dissatisfied. Take the time to gather high quality ingredients with a partner of your choice such as honesty, trust and emotional vulnerability. With this intimate combination you can then heat things up slowly until they’re at their most enticing state, and indulge in a sensual meal that’s healthy for your body and soul.

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