Categories Nutrition

Seasonal Pick Mushrooms



have been used medicinally for centuries and have an incredibly vast presence in folklore across cultures with an equally expansive list of varieties, especially in the wild! There are currently over 10,000 known varieties and that’s not accounting for the yet undiscovered.
Since ancient times mushrooms have been associated with mystical powers. Egyptians attributed them with the gift of immortality while in Great Britain, entering faery rings (a natural circle of mushroom growth where Fae would frolic after a rainstorm) could result in 100 year slumber or being transported to a mystical dimension.

While mushrooms hold a rich and entertaining history of folklore, today they are most commonly appreciated as delicious and nutritious food. Mushrooms contain a lengthy list of health boosting vitamins and minerals and though it might not seem like it, are a great source of protein!

Vitamins & Nutrients:

  • Copper: supports normal growth of body, maximizes utilization of iron, speeds up healing wounds, reduces cholesterol, prevents premature aging, boosts energy levels, anti-inflammatory properties can reduce symptoms of arthritis
  • Selenium: strengthens bone, hair, nails and teeth, boosts immune system, protects against heart disease and cancer, regulates production of thyroid hormone
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): essential to energy production, boosts the absorption of minerals, protects the nervous system, helps to produce red blood cells
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): alleviates asthma, hair loss, stress, anxiety, allergies etc, resists infection, produces neurotransmitters, boosts immunity, essential for processing and utilizing fats, carbohydrates, and proteins as energy sources
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin): promote healthy blood circulation, boosts memory strength, helps lower and control cholesterol levels, fights diabetes


Our favorite mushroom recipes from around the web:

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