Santa Cruz CORE Fitness + Rehab is an integrative wellness center working to help people treat pains and injuries, lose weight, and increase performance in order to create deeper enjoyment in daily life and overall wellness. We combine various scopes of therapeutic practices to help clients remain pain and injury free. CORE practitioners specialize in massage therapy, acupuncture, trigger point therapy, corrective exercise, chiropractic manipulations, nutrition counseling, Vasper exercise machines, and many more ways to support you.
Myalgia (or muscle pain) is a common discomfort experienced by many Americans. Myalgia can result from a variety of causes including emotional stress, physical injury, and other medical conditions (like auto-immune). Santa Cruz CORE is determined to help individuals who wish to live free of pain, we can help with pains stemming
Common issues and areas:
Lower body injuries are a common source of pain among athletes that use their lower body extensively for a sport. Running, biking, soccer, basketball, soccer, and football are good examples of such sports. This does not mean that the average american isn’t affected, lower body injuries are also common for those who work physical labor jobs like in construction or maintenance. Lower body injuries often throw other muscles or parts of the body off balance as much of the force we use to carry on daily tasks originate in the lower body. Whichever the case may be, we are fully equipped and ready to help you regain full lower body function and prevent future injuries.
Common issues and areas:
The upper body is used extensively by every individual. Our arms, wrists, shoulders, back, and chest to name a few all are part of what is considered the upper body. Upper body pain is common amongst individuals who work a lot with their hands especially when these motions are repetitive. Untreated minor injuries or tissue tear on is performing structures can to a build-up of scar tissue and thereby discomfort. Muscular imbalance is also an issue for the upper body, our chest muscles tend get very strong due to us performing activities directly in-front of us.
Common issues and areas:
Treating and preventing injuries is an active process. Some major traumas like car accidents can’t be predicted of course, but injuries related to everyday physical demands can. Injuries can happen anywhere including home, school, and work. Preventing an injury starts by getting your body to its optimal state, this will help ensure that the body is prepared to handle physical demands. If an injury does happen, proper physical and manual therapies can be applied to help remain pain free.