A Guide to Achieving your Goals.

It’s almost the new year and what better time to reflect on 2014 and make New Year goals for 2015. What are they?

“I want to lose 100lbs!”… “Find a higher paying job!”… “Get organized!”… “Move to Hawaii!”…”Run a marathon”….

The question then becomes, how can one achieve their goals, even if they seem a bit outlandish. No need for embarrassment, it is absolutely healthy to have lofty goals and they can be very much achievable. Most often goals are set but aren’t achieved because there is no pathway or plan to reach them. Think about your goals and not just once a year. Here is a guideline for making goals that in a year when looking back you can say, “I did it!” Try being S.M.A.R.T. about goals!

Realistic Goals: specific measurable attainable relevant time bound

#1: Specific: Make the goals Specific
Realistic Goals: specific measurable attainable relevant time bound
When writing out the list of goals, don’t just say “lose weight.” What do you want to look like? A movie star? Your self 10 years ago? Or, I want to run a race, ask how long of a race? Do some research and then write that race down as a goal. The more specific the goal the better visualization can take place, and then actions will follow making the goal achievable.
#2: Measurable: Make the goals Measurable
So for a weight loss goal, measurable would mean exactly how much weight you want to lose, what the goal weight is. Put down a specific number.

#3. Attainable: Make sure the goal is Attainable
Is the goal attainable? Select a goal that you can have success with. It won’t work to write down goals, like becoming an astronaut if you are past the age that they let people go into space, or if you want to be Miss Teen USA at 25. So pick a goal that makes sense for where you are in your life today or in the next year.

#4. Relevant: Make the goal Relevant.
Choose a goal that is relevant to where you want to be at the end of 2015. If you want to be a renowned author picking a goal about running a marathon instead of a goal to complete your first book wouldn’t make sense unless the book was about the marathon. The best goals are multifaceted, working toward more than one thing. For example, riding a bike to work is a way to reach a weight goal but it is also a way to be outdoors on a regular basis, save money, support the environment, and be healthy.

#5: Timely: Make the goal Timely.
Count backwards from the goal date and break the goal down. If it is writing a book, how many pages need to be written a week to make the end product happen by a specific date or time. Same thing goes for weight loss. If you want to lose 20 pounds in a year than maybe think losing .5 pounds a week and before the end of 2015 you will be at your goal.

By making SMART goals for New Year’s resolutions, they become so much more attainable. Keep these goals at the forefront of your mind throughout the year, and here is how:

Create a Dream Board:
Once the goals are set, get a large poster board. After that, use glitter and large pens to jot down the goals. Have fun with it! Once it’s done, hang it on the wall of your bedroom or a place you see daily, in the office, etc. Having goals on the wall, in plain view will make you think about them every single day. In the end, remembering what your goals are and why you want to achieve them is the most important thing. This is a fun, creative way to make and keep goals. Plus, when is glitter and crafts ever a bad thing???

Reward yourself:
When following the SMART outline the goals are achievable and there is then an opportunity to celebrate success. Celebrate the small Successes. You hit the gym – Success! You ate sensible meals – Success! You got up early – Success! Maybe you didn’t lose 100lbs, but you have made progress. Celebrate it! Reward yourself. Love yourself. It’ll only help on your journey to achieving your goals … whatever they may be.

I want to know, how do you set your goals? How do you keep them? Are you successful? TELL ME!

Santa Cruz CORE:
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