Sleep Ergonomics and Beyond

Establishing healthy sleep ergonomics is vital to everyday productivity and wellness. Insufficient sleep may lead to lethargy, irritable mood, lack of focus, and a variety of other bodily issues. In many ways, sleep is the foundation for a healthy mind and body.

The good news is that for most people, maximizing sleep requires a few simple changes and some time. After all, changing long-standing habits permanently doesn’t happen overnight. But don’t worry! Once these tools are in place, it’ll become second nature. We’re here to give you the tools you need to get a better night’s sleep.

Understanding Sleep

The importance of sleep cannot be understated. Humans spend around a third of their lives sleeping! This time spent sleeping allows our body and mind to rest and reset.

There are multiple stages of sleep. To get a good night’s sleep, a sleeper should cycle through all of the stages multiple times a night. For a more comprehensive look into sleep, check out Part One, Two, and Three of our Sleep Studies series!

Click here for a downloadable PDF of our sleep best practices!

Improving Sleep Ergonomics

The ergonomics of sleep is influenced by a variety of factors. With recent technological advances, screens and blue light have affected our ability to fall asleep at appropriate times. To avoid having sleep quality deteriorated by blue light, try to avoid screens 2 hours before bed. If you absolutely must be near technology around bedtime, use flux or night time mode to prevent blue light from affecting your sleep.

Aside from technology, a consistent sleep schedule is vital to sleep quality. Try getting up and going to bed early in an effort to sync your circadian rhythms. If you typically go to bed late, try gradually moving your bedtime up earlier in increments of 15-30 minutes.

How We Can Help

Santa Cruz CORE conducts extensive research on sleep ergonomics. We have the resources and expertise to help establish healthy habits. Sleep hygiene goes beyond the tips mentioned in this article, and they include factors like breathing, exercise, and supplements as well.

Two of our services — massage and aromatherapy may directly assist in the quality of your rest. For more resources and information on health and wellness, stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletter. If you’re looking for more streamlined, direct assistance, give us a call or visit one of our locations in Santa Cruz or Watsonville.

Jaimi Jansen:
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