Crossfit. It’s a tough, fast paced, physically demanding, and fun sport that originated right here in Santa Cruz County. As you can imagine, there is a very competitive but also extremely community oriented atmosphere. So, what better way to get all the crossfitters from Santa Cruz County together than to have a yearly Crossfit Affiliate Cup which this year was hosted by Crossfit West.

Hundreds of crossfitters participated in the healthy competition. We were there doing bodywork and mini-assessments as well as offering foam rolling on competitors and saw a lot of low back, shoulder and quad injuries. We also treated athletes with tight pecs in need of shoulder stabilization and we were able to offer taping to secure the joint during competition and promote accurate joint tracking.

Crossfit is a sport requiring time under tension. For example: How many reps can you do with as much weight for a given time period?
This type of repetition causes not just muscle fatigue but overuse of the primary movers (bigger muscles used for the specific exercises). The muscle fatigue from overuse causes tightness and then a decrease in range of motion and ultimately a decrease in performance.

Also people join Crossfit gyms to get into shape, it’s also an extremely demanding and competitive sport. And with any competitive sport recovery and bodywork is essential to allow the body to relax and recuperate. Take care of your body by getting Massage, Acupuncture, Chiropractic and Corrective Exercise training. Not only will this help you compete to the best of your ability, but it’ll also keep you doing the sports you love for as long as possible.
At the end of the day, CrossFit Santa Cruz came out the victorious winner. The weather was great, the competitive spirit was awesome, and the athletes performed at their peaks. It was incredible to see the commitment to their sport and the fun the individuals and teams had participating. We are so thankful to be a part of such a great event and look forward to the affiliate cup next year.

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