Yoga: From Then to Now

The simple philosophy of yoga is mind, body, and spirit are all one.   The Sanskrit word “yoga” has many meanings. It is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj”, meaning “to control” (self-discipline), “to yoke” (egolessness), or “to unite”. Looking back, it has grown over the years into something completely different than what it started […]

5 Minutes to Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness comes in several different ways, shapes, and forms. Yoga and meditation go hand in hand in easing the mind, deepening the breath, and improving focus and clarity. Perhaps one of the greatest aspects of learning to practice mindfulness through meditation and yoga is that it can be done just about anywhere, anytime, for […]

5 Yoga Moves You Should Do Every Day

  Yoga is an important and easy tool that anybody can incorporate in to their daily routine. Here are five moves that you should do every day. By Lyndsay Babbitt, Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor When asked to write an article about five yoga postures that people should practice every day I thought, “Wow, I […]

Yoga for Digestion

by Lyndsay Babbitt Personal Trainer and Certified Yoga Instructor Yoga is a very powerful practice to add to your daily routine. It is quite astounding how beneficial it can be to your life, and how little most people in the west really know about it. Yoga is so much more than training the physical body, […]

The Power of Yoga

It is unclear exactly when Yoga orignated, but scholars generally believe that it was from India 5,000 or more years ago from the desire for greater personal freedom, health and long life, and heightened self-understanding. This practice of Yoga has been passed from teacher to student through oral and visual instruction. Still, what is clear […]

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