3 Cold Water Swimming Benefits and Hazards and 1 Surprising Alternative
Most people would avoid cold water swimming, but there might be benefits (like helping with depression, inflammation, etc.) to taking a quick dip in less than ideal temperatures as well as some hazards. Cold water swimming is becoming popular thanks in part to evangelists like Wim Hom, athletes, and individuals with ailments like depression or […]
Vasper: The Miracle Workout
By Jaimi Jansen The top cardio machine that we recommend to our fitness clients is the Vasper machine. And Here’s Why: Vasper stands for “vascular performance” and allows anyone to achieve the hormonal benefits of a high intensity exercise in just 20 minutes. We highly recommend usage of Vasper because the extraordinary results are unparalleled […]
VASPER – The Workout of the Future
By Beau Jansen Vasper, which stands for Vascular Performance was created by scientific visionary Peter Wasowski. By combining a unique and precise compression technology, body temperature cooling and grounding, Vasper is able to precipitate extraordinary physiological results. The list of athletes and organizations who have implemented Vasper is impressive and includes: NASA, The San Jose […]
Thomas Bischoff talks Vasper, Chiropractic, and Semi-Private Training
Thomas Bischcoff is a competitive surfer, and golf champ. He’s also a firefighter-in-training, a paramedic, a father, and husband. Needless to say, he leads a busy and demanding day-to-day life. Thomas has come on board as a sponsored CORE athlete, and finds that Vasper and Semi-Private Training, along with Chiropractic helps him to stay rested, […]
Vasper – Revolutionizing Fitness!
Vasper is coming to Santa Cruz Core! This revolutionary system was created to help improve vitality and increase health. Currently this system is only available in select locations and is now coming to Santa Cruz Core. This system has been used by a variety of folks including professional athletes. I have been using this service […]