How to Boost Your Endurance

Muscle endurance is good not only for sports but for everyday activities as well. Performance in sports like distance running, swimming, and weight lifting will all benefit from a boost of endurance. Daily tasks become easier with endurance training and there are many benefits of exercise on overall health.   What is Muscle Endurance? Muscle […]

Hair Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Workout

Headphones? Check. Favorite Spotify playlist? Check. Don’t know what to do with your sweaty post-workout hair? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. And while it may be enticing to skip your workout because it can damage hair, or even because it is too hard to style appropriately, this can lead to a habit of workout neglect. […]

The Importance of a Sleep Schedule

New-era lifestyle habits can lead to adverse effects on both sleep and life quality.   With bedtimes becoming a thing of the past for most Americans, sleep disorders and low energy levels are becoming more prominent. Lifestyle demands and habits many of us take for granted can disrupt rest. Not only that, but they can […]

Avoid Onion Tears

Onions are delicious and add flavor to “healthier options”. So, don’t suffer from crying. Start Your Journey Today Book Today

How to be a Good Personal Trainer

Want to be successful as a personal trainer. Here are some tips! Skills needed to be successful: Walk your talk. Be in great shape. Patient with clients. Ability to initiate and build rapport. Good communication skills about how you are going to get your client(s) to his/her goal. Clear Plan about how you are going […]

8 Foods I Would Never Eat & Why

I recommend you take a look and think twice before putting certain foods into your shopping cart. Hydrogenated Oil/Fat: any type of packaged food that says hydrogenated oil, or trans fat does not break down properly in the body. These type of oils are chemically altered to be solid at room temperature instead of liquid […]

Massage Therapy