Superfood: The Mighty Pomegranate
Humankind has long seen the pomegranate as special. The Ancient Greeks, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and Zoroastrians all held the fruit sacred at various times throughout history. Perhaps its association with holiness (and sometimes fertility) led to its association with health. This is particularly the case in England, where the fruit appears on the crests […]
Superfoods: Cruciferous Vegetables
By now, most everyone knows that vegetables are good for health and that these are essential to a healthy diet. Unfortunately, the growing rates of obesity and non-communicable diseases (like cancer and diabetes) are a reflection on how most Americans diet. Simply put, we don’t frequent vegetables or alternate sources of protein (like plant-based protein) […]
Superfoods: All About Coconut
The Hype Over Coconut: There has been a lot of hype in the recent years about the health benefits of coconut and its products. Almost everyday a new article or blog post (like this one) is popping out with a list of coconut’s many benefits and uses. Yet some of the leading experts disagree. Moreover, […]