5 Minutes to Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness comes in several different ways, shapes, and forms. Yoga and meditation go hand in hand in easing the mind, deepening the breath, and improving focus and clarity. Perhaps one of the greatest aspects of learning to practice mindfulness through meditation and yoga is that it can be done just about anywhere, anytime, for […]

Thomas Bischoff talks Vasper, Chiropractic, and Semi-Private Training

Thomas Bischcoff is a competitive surfer, and golf champ. He’s also a firefighter-in-training, a paramedic, a father, and husband. Needless to say, he leads a busy and demanding day-to-day life. Thomas has come on board as a sponsored CORE athlete, and finds that Vasper and Semi-Private Training, along with Chiropractic helps him to stay rested, […]

Massage Therapy