Platelets: The Mechanisms of Healing
Our body has an abundance of healing pathways for self-repair. Many of these self-repair mechanisms can be clinically manipulated for the creation of new therapies, making use of the body’s own self-healing potential. Platelets, normally found circulating in our blood, bear many of these self-healing mechanisms to clinically manipulate and trigger tissue repair. Prolotherapy, for […]
The “Vampire” Facial
“Vampire” Facials get their name from the use of a person’s own blood to perform a facial with results like no other. Vampire Facials have the power to tighten skin, get rid of acne scars, aging spots, and wrinkles all without the use of cosmetic filler gels or botox. How is this possible? It is […]
Prolotherapy: The Regenerative Injection Treatment
Individuals of all age groups can experience musculoskeletal pain. Many of the activities that we engage in have the potential to injure soft tissue structures like tendons and ligaments. These injuries tend to go untreated, yet soft tissue injuries are a major source of musculoskeletal pain. When weakened, they can contribute to joint instability and […]
Oxygenate Blood with Nitrate Rich Veggies
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