Exercise and the Heart
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one killer in the United States. What is worse is that despite the many guidelines and risk factors released by the American Heart Association (AHA) and the World Health Organization (WHO), Americans continue to engage in high-risk activities for CVDs. Such high risks activities include sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy diets, […]
Superfood: The Mighty Pomegranate
Humankind has long seen the pomegranate as special. The Ancient Greeks, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and Zoroastrians all held the fruit sacred at various times throughout history. Perhaps its association with holiness (and sometimes fertility) led to its association with health. This is particularly the case in England, where the fruit appears on the crests […]
The Importance of Hydration
Now that the hot summer is here, it is important to stay hydrated at all times. However, dehydration is a problem year round, not just in the summer. Caffeinated, sugary drinks like iced lattes and energy drinks, for example, are very popular and contribute to dehydration. When blood sugar levels rise there is an increase […]