Understanding Hanson Manual Therapy
Hanson Manual Therapy, or HMT, is an advanced technique that provides immediate relief from muscle pain and tension through the application of manual therapy to both trigger points and acupressure points. It is based on the concepts of muscular imbalance and hypersensitive myofascial reflex points. Here is what you should know. What Is a Muscular […]
The Biomechanics of Running
Running is one of the most common modes of cardiovascular exercise. It is convenient, works up a good sweat by engaging the skeletal, muscular, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems, and can be done almost anywhere. However, there is much to understand behind the biomechanics of running in terms of correct form and footwear. When performed correctly, […]
Sleep Studies: Neurochemistry of Wakefulness (Part 2)
Sleep disorders are very common and not many individuals know how to combat the adverse effects of poor sleep, much less how to correct it. Sleep disorders can range from the inability to begin or maintain sleep to the inability to remain alert during the day hours or maintain wakefulness. By becoming more informed on […]
3 Hacks to Increase Your Water Intake
How good are you at reaching the recommended amount of water intake each day? Men should aim to drink 3 liters per day. Women should strive for about 2.2 liters per day. Guidelines vary for athletes and other specific populations. Adequate daily water intake is necessary to replenish the fluids lost through activities such as […]
The Wellness Guide to Make the Most Out of Your Day
Wellness is the focus on mental and physical health that alleviates our state of being. By focusing on your wellness and wellbeing every single day, you can improve your quality of life. This means being able to do more of the things that you love, and it means being less stressed when handling your responsibilities. […]
Reaching New Heights with a Stairs Workout
It’s time to ditch the elevator. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is simply better for your health. It allows you to get more steps in and increase your heart rate. Take it a step further and incorporate a stair workout into your exercise routine! Climbing stairs is a killer workout for the whole […]
Fat Metabolism: Training Adaptations to Burn More Fat
Fats are generally known for leading to weight-gain and are often disliked by individuals sensitive about body image. Fats have gained a bad rep over the years. This is partly due to the rates of obesity and heart disease that continue to rise worldwide. Yes, fats are a contributor to the obesity epidemic and also […]
Early Morning Motivation
Recent research has sought to examine the relationship between exercise and sleep. Are there more benefits to exercising in the morning compared to the afternoon or night? Studies are identifying the morning as the optimal time to exercise. Not a morning person? There are several simple tricks and hacks to help increase morning productivity. Maximizing the […]
Protein Metabolism: The Demands of Exercise
Protein plays a key role in metabolism, nutrition, and muscle building. For this reason, individuals all across the fitness spectrum are looking into protein supplements like powders, bars, and even ice creams. It seems that protein supplements and protein-rich foods are trending. Most of us would associate them with lean muscle or fitness. Vegans and […]
Hamstring Health
Hamstrings are perhaps a well-known muscle group, yet many people do not know exactly what they are used for. The hamstrings are the muscle group located at the back of the thigh and consist of the Biceps Femoris, Semimembranosus, and Semitendinosus. These muscles carry out everyday movements such as running and walking. More specifically they […]