3 Easy Ways to have a quick Healthy Breakfast

3 Easy Ways to Have a Healthy Grab and Go Breakfast When the experts say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, they are being 100% honest. A healthy breakfast gets your metabolism going, and helps sustain a healthy level of energy during the day. For must of us, breakfast is one of […]

Easy Roasted Winter Vegetables

There’s nothing yummier on a cold evening than the smell of winter veggies roasting in the over. Loving it. But, like everybody with a busy lifestyle, we don’t always have time to create super unique recipes. So, here’s one that we ABSOLUTELY LOVE. This recipe comes to you via Damn Delicious. PREP • Prep Time […]

3 Easy Medicine Ball Exercises

Medicine balls are a fun alternative to weights and offer a bit of a challenge as there are no handles. This requires more work from your hands, and offers additional toning benefits as it requires the stabilization of the core or “trunk”. Seated medicine ball trunk rotations: Sitting with your feet out in front of […]

Massage Therapy