Sleep Studies: Circadian Rhythms Explained (Part 3)
While many people are indeed familiar with some of the terminology of sleep science, like ‘melatonin’ or ‘biological clock,’ not everyone fully understands what these mean. Even worse, when one does become knowledgeable in these processes, it is difficult to apply the knowledge to a healthier lifestyle. Circadian Cycles: Circadian rhythms describe many functions […]
Sleep Studies: The Stages of Sleep (Part 1)
Sleep is an essential part of life. Humans spend over one-third of their lives asleep. During sleep, the brain undergoes a series of chemical and electrical oscillations. This helps define its different stages and what goes on during a particular stage. Becoming knowledgeable about sleep and its different stages can prove beneficial to the health […]
Make Time to Work Out
“I Don’t Have Time for Crunches!” By James W. Lewis We should draft a law to add more hours in a day. Hard-charging professionals deserve extra ticks on the clock, don’t you think? Twenty-four hours shortchanges sleep-deprived entrepreneurs with constant negative balances of time. Maybe change the number from twenty-four to twenty-eight. Or even thirty. […]