All About Cholesterol

The word cholesterol gets thrown around a lot in health literature. It many times ignores the lack of common understanding about what cholesterol is and how it affects health. For example, most of us have heard of the terms LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) and HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein). As a result, “bad” cholesterol and “good” cholesterol often […]

Superfood: The Mighty Pomegranate

Humankind has long seen the pomegranate as special. The Ancient Greeks, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and Zoroastrians all held the fruit sacred at various times throughout history. Perhaps its association with holiness (and sometimes fertility) led to its association with health. This is particularly the case in England, where the fruit appears on the crests […]

An Egg-ceptional Food

Eggs   Remember when eggs were great for you? Remember when they were bad? There are so many varying opinions on eggs, but no one can deny eggs are protein-packed little wonder foods. You can eat them any meal of the day, they are great for snacks, and can make great additions to anything including […]

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