The Latest Treatment for Erectile Function: The P-shot

No one wants to talk about their bedroom problems, so it might come as a surprise that they are much more common than one might think! One out of ten men in the United States struggles with erectile dysfunction (ED). Not only that, but the prevalence of ED seems to be increasing, especially among older men (2). Common factors that contribute to this issue include obesity, diabetes, and circulation problems. ED, which is defined as the inability to attain or maintain an erection, can negatively affect self-confidence and partner relationships. A man’s and/or his partner may feel unattractive or inadequate due to an inability to elicit a proper sexual response. Luckily, the P-shot is an injection therapy used to treat urologic disorders in men and enhance their sexual response. This includes disorders such as erectile dysfunction (ED), Peyronie’s disease (PD), and urinary incontinence (1).

The P-Shot

The P-shot is a regenerative treatment that targets the penis. It consists of injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into different parts of the penis to induce growth, improve blood flow, and heighten sensitivity. 

PRP injections are commonly used to repair soft-tissue injuries such as tendon and ligament tears. This is because the platelets injected secrete growth factors that induce a “healing cascade.” Platelets signal to the body to undergo collagen synthesis, cell division, the formation of new blood vessels, and myelination of local nerve fibers. The result is the repair and restored the function of a previously incompetent structure. 

The Procedure

PRP may be administered to different parts of the penis, depending on the reason for treatment. For example, in the case of erectile dysfunction, the target tissue is likely to be the erectile body like the corpora cavernosa. In the case of urinary incontinence, the target is the urethral submucosa, tissue that is adjacent to longitudinal and circular muscles that help control urination. 

Sexual Enhancement

The P-shot procedure has an enhancing effect on male sexuality and sexual response. A man will get longer lasting erections and become more excitable. The rejuvenating effects of PRP can also improve the appearance of the penis. The growth-enhancing properties of the P-shot can actually be manipulated to achieve specific goals, such as enhanced girth or length. Noticeable results may be apparent immediately after the first treatment and become progressively more noticeable. 


There are many causes for incontinence ranging from a pelvic fracture to nerve damage (and loss of voluntary control). Men who have undergone a prostatectomy may be left with nerve damage during surgery, causing the loss of control of the urethral sphincter. The natural process of aging and the resulting drop in hormones can also play a role. The P-shot’s revitalizing effect can help to tighten musculature and restore control of the urinary tract.

More on PRP

Platelet-rich plasma is derived from a person’s own blood which eliminates the risk of rejection. Blood is drawn from the individual and gets centrifuged to separate platelets from other blood components. The platelets are then prepared and injected at a site of desired growth and repair. 

PRP injections are often administered to all areas of the body. For example, many esthetic doctors use PRP for its rejuvenating effect on the skin, reducing wrinkles, age spots, and acne scars. When used on torn ligaments or tendons, PRP repairs and restores their function. Contact a local PRP administrator and find out how prolotherapy can enhance your health.


  1. Matz, Ethan l, et al. Safety and Feasibility of Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix …Investigative and Clinical Urology, 10 Oct. 2017,
  2. Maggi, Mario, and Giulia Rastrelli. “Erectile Dysfunction in Fit and Healthy Young Men: Psychological or Pathological?” Translational Andrology and Urology, 2017,
  3. Kessler, Anna, et al. “The Global Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction: a Review.” Wiley Online Library, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (10.1111), 2 July 2019,

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