Positive Social Media

As we practice social distancing, we might find ourselves relying heavily on social media to connect with friends, loved ones, and to keep up with current news. During times of crisis and unrest, it is all to easy to inundate oneself with negative social media content. Be aware that what you subscribe to on social media may negatively impact your mood, outlook, and interactions with other individuals. Concentrate instead on interacting with social media in positive ways. Some examples include connecting with loved ones, following and sharing inspiring stories, or uplifting your community. We are all in this together, and together we will persevere.


Meal Planning 101

Getting groceries, once a menial errand, has recently become a much more intense and potentially stressful experience. Meal planning is a great way to make the most out of your shopping trips, and perhaps cut down on their frequency. If you’re new to meal planning, here are several tips:

1. The freezer is your friend. Always factor in how quickly a food item will spoil, as that will determine how soon you’ll need to eat it. If you’re buying a weeks worth of meat products, you may have to consider freezing some of it to keep it fresh.

2. Versatility! Focus on buying ingredients that you can use in more than one meal. For example, chicken breast can make a great entree, and leftover can be used in salads, sandwiches, and thrown on top of pasta. Keep things versatile!

3. Dry goods are king. Dry goods such as rice, dried beans, and pasta have a long shelf life, meaning you can stock up and not have to replenish for extended periods of time. Don’t go overboard with the hording, however. These foods DO have an expiration date, however distant. Buying food is a commitment.

Invested in nutrition? Learn and gain insight about your diet, body and potential with virtual nutritional counseling.


Daily Ab Workout

Its crunch time! Crunches are an awesome abdominal exercise that can be performed just about anytime, anywhere. Lay on your back with your knees up and feet flat on the floor. With your hands supporting your neck, lift your shoulders and torso up and forward all the way until your elbows touch your knees. It might be helpful to have a family member stabilize you by putting weight on your feet. Crunching solo? No problem! Try sticking your feet under a low hanging piece of sturdy furniture (such as your couch) to help counterbalance your weight. Start with 30 seconds of crunches, then a 15 second break. Try to keep it up for 5 minutes!

Need other ways to workout at home? Look no further! We stream daily fitness and meditation sessions.

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