Sitting is the new ‘smoking’. Here are some tips for a more Ergonomic work space.
We are slaves to our work-places. Even here at the gym I own, I spend a lot of my day sitting down and on the computer taking care of logistics. Doing so, I’ve become passionate about promoting healthier work environments by improving ergonomics and also quick and effective techniques to help de-stress and improve performance.
Ergonomics is the study of peoples’ efficiency in the work environment. This includes all aspects of work all the way down to how the items on your desk are arranged, the type of keyboard you use, and the best way to adjust your chair.
I recommend starting with your desk. Part of the practice of Ergonomics is to design your workspace so that you can easily and safely access everything. Some things you can try:
1. Adjust your monitor so that it’s slightly below your eye level. The line of sight should be slightly downward. For most people this may mean raising the monitor using some kind of stand or even using some books or other things lying around the office.
2. An exception to this may be if you wear glasses, try lowering the computer monitor, or just adjust the tilt back to about 35 to 40 degrees. When adjusting your monitor the screen shouldn’t have any glare from natural or artificial light. By making these small adjustments your eyes will be protected
3. Use an adjustable chair to improve your posture. ( Try to find one with Lumbar support or use the one you have and purchase lumbar support addition.
4. Occasionally rest your eyes. Take them off the screen and focus 20+ feet away. If that means stepping just outside of your office or even outside the building if you can, do so.
5. Stand up occasionally, stretch your arms, back, neck and back. Take some deep breaths to increase oxygen to your brain as well. Doing this every hour for just 30 seconds will make you feel loads better. Try the program Voom! at which helps improve your posture and prevents repetitive stress injuries by offering reminders to get up and move!
6. Sit up straight. It feels weird for most of us as we slouch a little bit, but sitting towards the edge of the chair with your back nice and straight and keeping your core tight, it’ll make the long sits at your desk much easier on the body.
These are just some of the small adjustments that can be done to improve your ergonomics in the workplace. By improving the work station, the way one sits, the productivity will increase and risk of injury will be reduced!
For more information, check out our ‘Corporate Wellness Page’. To set up a consult, call 831-425-9500.
[…] training, I wanted to have a really serious conversation with Drew about the importance of an Ergonomic Work Space. For somebody like Drew, sitting at his desk was necessity for his job but an obvious contributing […]