If you are a fitness enthusiast or an athlete, you will probably agree that choosing core exercises well is very crucial.

Some core exercises have more benefits than others. They give the trainer more balance and strength even to perform other workouts.

Athletes are in a better position to succeed in their core exercises when they train with a professional personal trainer. However, the best thing is to know the right workouts and how to do them correctly. If things have not been going on well, probably you are missing some guidance. Let us cover them here.

The Abdominal Workouts:

When we talk of the core workouts, then the tummy should come to mind. It is part of the core muscles, and when it is in great shape, then you have achieved a major step. Abdominal workouts that could help you improve the core include the following.


· V-up – just as the name suggests, you have to form a V with your butt as the pivot point. Both the legs and the hands must be high up in the air. To achieve the best results, hold in position for about 30 seconds and repeat this exercise for four rounds.
· Weighted run – most people cannot sprint or run when carrying more than their own body weight. Running with a weight is a big enough challenge. However, it makes all the difference to the core area as you try to maintain balance. According to experts, just a hundred meters is enough for a start.
· Sit-ups – this workout is popular in the army. All you need is to lie on the back and bring the knees high with the feet on the ground. Bring the upper body as close to the knees as possible before going back to the lying position. Complete 10 to 15 rounds before taking a break.

This exercise is best for the arms and the upper chest. These two areas make a crucial part of the core and must remain fit for the best coordination. If you can include the side arch while doing planks, you will add value to them.

Make sure that you have a mat and the right workout shoes with a grip. Start with a plank position and hold for 30 seconds on each repetition. It is recommended to do 5 to 10 sets of planks while adding the side arch to make it more effective.


Hollow Hold:

Another workout that could be missing for your core is the hollow hold. It works like the v-up, but this will have more effect on the core. It sends more weight to the core areas while the entire body is nearer to the ground.
While lying with your back on the ground, stretch the legs to the front and the hands overhead. Lift both the legs and the upper body slightly and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat for 10 sets to get the best results.


Final Word:

All the above workouts are easy to achieve both at a fitness center and at home. They do not need any specialized equipment and no fitness enthusiast should miss out on them. They will help your core to achieve the best results.


If you want to improve your fitness results, visit Santa Cruz CORE for some time with our personal trainers! We have Personal Training, Semi-Private Training (group workouts), and also CORE One Live (remote training)! Call 831.425.9500 today to schedule your consultation today.

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